
The Bullitts - supercool

A group about to change the face of music as we know it. Not merely a cool new act, nor musicians. We are talking actors, poets - an amalgamation of artists and creatives, all with a common goal.

Led by Jaymes Samuel, with collaborators that include Jay Electronica, Mos Def, Tori Amos, and Lucy Liu; their debut album 'They die by dawn & other stories' is due for spring 2012 release and coincides with a film - 'The diary of Amelia Sparks'. The films theme is matched by the albums theme, for example the character Amelia Sparks is voiced by Lucy Liu. The Bullitts are grabbing you from all corners - music, art, film.

Track down their latest track 'supercool' (I was unable to access this to show you at this point, but watch this space).

Lucky enough to have seen them already (Big Chill 2011) and wow! So much energy and talent, and so different. Look out.


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