
Live: A & J Stone

We had been waiting, excited for this gig for some time now, after we missed out in December we couldnt wait to see Angus & Julia Stone live. Myself, JACques and my sister, mini Peaches in tow, we headed from my flat in Stirling for Glasgow's ABC. JACques making the long trip from Boro, i commend him on his dedication to the cause.

Julia opened the set, she played a gentle piano as a hush fell on the crowd then swiftly broke into Hold On, the opening track from their album Down The Way. Both were in fine form, Julia's voice is powerful, exciting and has a great range, one of the best ive ever heard, while Angus calmly seduces the crowd, oozing cool through his acoustic talents and good dress sense.

Even the stage was beautifully set up to match the beautiful people performing. The set went on, playing crowd favourites such as Big Jet Plane and And the Boys. We were even treated with a brand new song from each, Angus and Julia. Not only did they impress with the performance, their on stage presence was excellent, Julia willing to share her influences and motivations behind her song writing and Angus likewise. They each told of their musical influences, James Taylor and Neil Young, and Julia even did a cover of the James Taylor song You Can Close Your Eyes.

They encored with a beautifully done Mango Tree, Julia impressing us all once again with her range of talents, playing the trumpet in this song. The entertainment went on after the gig as we happened to bump into the pair out in the street, both of them kind enough to sign our ticket stubs and even had time for a quick chat. Both seem really genuine, down to earth people.

A great night had by all, well worth the wait and i will always be on the look out for new music and gig dates. Here's a video from the very gig we attended. Enjoy. Peaches.

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